The Great Catechesis [Oratio Catechetica Magna] Addressed to teachers of Christian doctrine

- Category:
- Fathers of the Church
- Description:
- Presents the principal truths of the faith and defends them against pagans; Jews; and heretics; making use of both Scriptural and philosophical arguments. Part one deals with the Trinity; the consubstantiality of the Father and the Son and the divinity of the Holy Spirit. Part two deals with man?s creation; original sin; and the restoration of all things in Christ through the Incarnation and Redemption. Part three covers the sacraments of Baptism and the Eucharist.
- Formats:
- epub mobi
- Searches:
- Google Bing G-Books
- Publisher:
- bishops; priests; catechists; etc.
- Last Updated:
- Saturday, 22 February 2020 13:34